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Improving Systems and Habits

Using systems and habits to improve your life is a proven method to succeed. It requires seeing the work as a system and then adjusting your thoughts and behaviors to be able to take advantage of your opportunities in life.

With understanding comes simplicity

Scott Miker

Many times we view something as complex, simply because we don’t understand it. We don’t see how everything connects and interacts. We don’t see the full system, just a bunch of random details.

I love watching college football. I find it exciting and interesting to see how each team fares throughout the season and into the bowl season.

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Why do some people lose keys and some don’t

Scott Miker

Have you ever lost your keys and felt crazy because you just couldn’t find them? You checked all of the logical places but found nothing.

I think we have all lost our keys at one point in our lives. It could be due to a disorganized house, or sharing keys with someone else, but most likely the problem is much simpler than that.

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What positive addictions do you have?

Scott Miker

When it comes to systems and habits improvement, we have to fall in love with the process. We have to find a way to enjoy doing the work so we can continue to do it and grow from it.

We don’t look at hard work as just something we have to do. It isn’t something to hate. It isn’t something to shortcut.

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What can you learn from it?

Scott Miker

Sometimes something happens to us that rocks us to our core. It could be a health scare, or layoff at work. It could be the loss of a loved one or some tragedy that springs up out of nowhere.

I have always struggled with how to process these. I tend to look inward quite a bit. I try to use it as a reflection on what is going on inside me. What am I doing that this highlights and shows that I am on the wrong path?

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What if we are wrong?

Scott Miker

There have been several times in my life when I realized that a core belief that I had was wrong. I found something that suddenly changed what I thought was an absolute truth.

Each time this happened it drastically changed my life. It forced me to adjust how I live my life and how I view the world.

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We all have fear

Scott Miker

Fear is commonplace in life. We all experience fear from time to time. Sometimes this fear is perfectly normal and healthy and other times fear gets magnified or exaggerated and we make poor decisions due to feeling fear.

But too often fear controls our life. It does this by constantly prompting our decisions. It gives a little nudge every time we think about certain areas.

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Using systems to improve isn’t magic

Scott Miker

I’ve read a lot of books about using systems and habits to improve and accomplish goals. As I read, sometimes it seems to be presented in a way where it seems like we just found out about some magic tactic.

It almost seems like success in anything is suddenly guaranteed. All we have to do is follow the system. But it’s more complicated than that.

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Taking on something new

Scott Miker

Whenever we take on something new we tend to go through an awkward stage. I remember learning to play the guitar when I was younger. I could barely remember where my fingers were supposed to go to form the chords.

I would stumble around and take pauses between notes. It was completely un-musical. It sounded horrible. If I didn’t explain the song I was trying to play nobody would think it was a real song.

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Simplicity matters

Scott Miker

When we start creating systems and processes in a business it is easy to let it become a complicated mess. There is a lot of complexity and we need to make sure the process accounts for many variables.

But as we do this, we should actively look for ways to simplify. It sounds much easier said than done, but if we keep this focus on simplicity we can cut through some of the unnecessary detail.

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Prepare for the challenges

Scott Miker

When we set out on a journey to reach a new goal, we often spend a lot of our time envisioning what it will be like when we reach the finish line. We think about the rewards and how we will feel when we win.

We only spend a small number of our thoughts on challenges. At this point we breeze through potential struggles in our mind assuming that we either won’t have any or we will push right through them.

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Learn to monitor and track your systems

Scott Miker

In the systems and habits approach to improvement, we learn how to form systems to help us reach our goals. We design the processes, the routines and the habits that take us towards success.

This helps to start changing our behaviors so that we automatically do the right thing. We don’t have to rely on willpower for every positive decision we make throughout the day.

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Be an active participant in your life

Scott Miker

Many people that I know seem to just go through life without much thought about the direction they are heading. They think about immediate things such as problems that come up or challenges, but they don’t take the time really determine what it is they want.

Sometimes this is because we just know. We have a solid foundation of what we want out of life and it is easy to stick to it.

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Avoid the excessive, extravagant and the extreme

Scott Miker

There is a line in the ancient took, the Tao Te Ching that says that we should avoid excess, extravagance and extremes.

It states that as the key to remaining happy and calm through life. If we strive for these areas we stop following nature’s way bringing unhappiness. If we push for these areas we can’t sustain them and we always worry about keeping up with those levels.

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Use Feedback Loops in Your Improvement Journey

Scott Miker

Feedback loops are a systems concept where you have an outcome from a system being put back into the input of the system.  This tends to reinforce the system or keep it balanced.

There are two different types of feedback loops with several variations of each.  Each can be used in designing the systems and habits of your life.  But you have to understand each and understand how they can be used to gain the most from them.

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The more you prepare the less nervous you get

Scott Miker

Tom Brady is arguably the greatest football player of all time.  His accomplishments are unmatched.  He has won numerous individual awards, such as MVP, as well as team awards.  His team consistently plays for championships.

Tom Brady was recently interviewed for an upcoming playoff game and he was asked about whether or not he was nervous.  His response was very telling of Brady and his ability to prep for a big game.

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Know what you do before you set a new goal

Scott Miker

One aspect of self-improvement that often gets overlooked is to understand what you currently do.  What is the current process?

We tend to get so excited about the future and what we hope to achieve that we don’t accurately assess where we are.  So we assume we can set big goals since others have achieved similar results. 

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Try Less to Accomplish More

Scott Miker

The systems and habits approach to improvement gives us a general way to go about improving any aspect we choose.  We can get better in any number of areas as long as we follow the general systems guidelines to build the right structures, patterns, routines, and habits in our life.

One of the major differences between this approach and others is that other approaches rely almost exclusively on effort and motivation.  The systems and habits approach uses much less effort and motivation and is more concerned with consistency. 

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Perfect system

Scott Miker

The world is full of perfect systems.  We usually don’t see the perfection because we are too busy judging aspects of the system that we dislike.   

Most systems have side effects that seem negative at times but when looking at the full system we can see the perfection in the system. 

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Learn to fail forward instead of quitting

Scott Miker

Failure is part of life.  We all experience failures at various points in our lives.  It is inevitable. 

What matters isn’t that we fail, but how we respond.  Many people experience a failure and then quit.  They hate the feeling of failing so they justify their inaction because they simply don’t want to experience that feeling again.

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