Misunderstandings of the systems and habits approach to improvement — Scott Miker

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Misunderstandings of the systems and habits approach to improvement

Improving Systems and Habits

Using systems and habits to improve your life is a proven method to succeed. It requires seeing the work as a system and then adjusting your thoughts and behaviors to be able to take advantage of your opportunities in life.

Misunderstandings of the systems and habits approach to improvement

Scott Miker

Using the systems and habits approach to improvement can help you achieve goals and improve over time.  Depending on many factors, the pace of getting better varies and can be faster for some and slower for others.

The principles of using systems to improve may give a general framework of what to do and how to approach goals, but it isn’t some magic button.  It isn’t something that just happens instantly from learning something new; it is a slow, methodical process that results in increased performance and production.

Yet some assume that everything should happen instantly and be incredibly easy.  This isn’t the case.  In fact, it is often the exact opposite.  It often takes a long time and requires difficult decisions and consistent action.   

So if you want to improve, start to remove the idea of it being easy, quick and effective all at the same time.  All three do not exist together unless there is some shortcut (usually with it’s own risks and harm). 

Because we need to be effective or else there really isn’t a point, then that means we have to stop trying to have it easy or stop having it quick. 

If we ignore a fast approach we can utilize the systems and habits approach to improvement to slowly adjust various elements of your daily habits and routines to slowly move you towards your goal.

If you ignore easy, then you can work extremely hard and sacrifice other aspects of your life to get there quickly.  

But easy and quick aren’t found together if you really want to be effective.  So if you choose the slow, methodical approach, then get used to having patience.  Learn that this isn’t some magic button.  This is real work.   

Then proceed using the right mindset to achieving great things.  Know that it will take time and might have difficulties along the way.  There will be obstacles and distractions.  There will be failures and injuries.  But there will also be progress and there will be an increase in the likelihood of hitting your goals. 

The systems and habits approach to improvement relies on small, easy, consistent action towards a goal.  At times it does become difficult but the key is to use consistency to form automatic action.  Then when we need to step it up a little, we already have the foundation in place.

Improvement is possible for everyone but we have to form realistic expectations and work hard to develop consistency so we can benefit from this approach.  It does work but it requires the right mindset and being able to keep going long after most people quit.