In the struggle is where great things are achieved
Scott Miker
Most of us hate to struggle. We don’t want a difficult life we want things easy. That is why we daydream about winning the lottery so we don’t have to work. We want to get rid of the challenging aspects of life.
But it is through struggle that we grow. It is challenges that keep us learning. It is from hard work that we can keep getting better and better.
Urban Meyer, in his book Above the Line, says, “Relentless effort (not talent or intelligence) is the key to achieving great things in your life. Struggle is part of the process. It is hard and often painful. But it’s also necessary, because it’s in the struggle that great things are achieved.”
We have to learn how to take these struggles in stride and grow from them. We can’t just wish for an easy life and do everything possible to avoid the pain and discomfort around change.
But this is easier said then done. I know from time to time I hit a rough patch and look for a way to ease the discomfort.
But one thing that has helped me to fight through challenges instead of avoiding them is by relying on the systems and habits approach to improvement. This involves constantly evaluating and improving the automatic aspects of your life.
Then when you start to struggle, you can rely on ingrained habits and behaviors to keep you moving forward. It gives you a baseline that you can then maintain.
Without it, I tend to feel lost and powerless. But with the right habits I feel empowered. I still struggle but the struggle is less debilitating and more manageable.
So the next time you struggle with something, remember the wisdom from Urban Meyer. It is through struggle that great things are achieved. It isn’t from taking the easy, pain free path but taking the one that involves challenges, difficulties and discomfort. But through it all you can come out achieving more than you can without struggle.