Business as usual
Scott Miker
The phrase business as usual is used a lot in the media. Many times it is used to describe the indifference of a company or individual who refuses to do the right thing. They put profit ahead of virtue and achievement ahead of taking a moral high road.
But I like to think of it a little differently. To me business as usual means we get back to the core actions. From a business perspective it means getting back to what it is that helped the company reach its level of success. From a personal standpoint, it means we get back to our habits and routines.
This could mean ignoring something important and falling back into that indifference we see so often portrayed in the media. But it doesn’t have to.
We can change the narrative, but only if we are using the systems and habits approach to improvement to slowly change what usual means.
When we use this approach to work to improve aspects of our lives, then these deliberately created routines and habits keep us moving forward and improving as we go.
It allows us to adjust to setbacks and quickly get back to working the systems we developed. After a letdown, we get back to business as usual.
The core drivers for most people are the habits and systems in their lives just as the core drivers for most businesses are the processes and procedures. The actions we (or a business) take on a regular basis are important.
Now this doesn’t mean we are blind when something alerts us to a problem with the systems and needs to be addressed. It simply means that we don’t keep getting pulled off course by every obstacle or challenge.
So next time you are pulled away from your routines and the new behaviors you are utilizing to create new habits, work hard to get back to business as usual. Don’t let anything deter you from constant improvement and a continuous focus on bettering yourself.
By doing this you will start to develop resiliency. It will help whenever future obstacles arise because you will have the confidence associated with hitting obstacles and persevering in the past.
In order to improve, we have to take consistent action. Using business as usual as a way to quickly move past obstacles and get back to taking the right steps towards your goals can be incredibly helpful to maintain this consistent action, regardless of what else is going on.