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Focus on process to get the outcome you desire

Improving Systems and Habits

Using systems and habits to improve your life is a proven method to succeed. It requires seeing the work as a system and then adjusting your thoughts and behaviors to be able to take advantage of your opportunities in life.

Focus on process to get the outcome you desire

Scott Miker

Nick Saban, revered as one of the most eminent college football coaches in history, has recently retired from his illustrious career. Throughout his tenure, Saban's Alabama teams consistently contended for National Championships, establishing an unparalleled standard of excellence in college football.

However, Saban's approach to the game diverges significantly from conventional wisdom. Despite his teams' remarkable success, his primary focus isn't fixated on winning titles, as one might assume. Rather, Saban emphasizes the process over the outcome, a philosophy he adopted back in 1998 during his coaching days at Michigan State.

Reflecting on his transformation, Saban recalls a pivotal moment when his team faced the formidable Ohio State Buckeyes. Up until then, like many coaches, his sole emphasis had been on securing victories. Yet, during that critical match, he shifted his perspective towards a process-oriented approach. Surprisingly, this shift didn't stem from a desire for immediate triumph but rather a deeper understanding of the game's intricacies.

He says in the interview, “Well, to that point, I was probably like a lot of coaches. The emphasis was always on winning, winning, winning.”

He then discusses his shift in focus. “We became very process-oriented for that game and it had nothing to do with the outcome. But yet we got a pretty resounding outcome.”

Finally, he explains the benefits, “It took some of the anxiety away from the expectation of winning. So, since that time that’s what we’ve tried to adopt.”

Saban promotes the benefits of prioritizing the process over outcomes, citing a reduction in the anxiety associated with the expectation of winning. Since then, he's adhered to this ethos, reaping considerable success along the way. Despite his retirement, Saban's legacy endures, with his Alabama teams revered as the pinnacle of collegiate athletics.

The lessons gleaned from Saban's approach extend far beyond the football field, resonating with individuals striving for personal growth and achievement in their everyday lives. Often, people fixate on desired outcomes—whether it's a promotion, weight loss, financial stability, or improved relationships—neglecting the incremental steps necessary to attain them.

Instead of obsessing over end results, Saban advocates for a systematic approach that focuses on continuous improvement. This paradigm shift encourages individuals to prioritize the process, embracing the journey of self-improvement rather than solely fixating on the destination.

Many struggle to adopt this mindset, erroneously believing that success hinges solely on outcome-driven goals. However, Saban's example illustrates that sustained success emerges from diligent adherence to the process, not fleeting fixation on desired outcomes.

Incorporating this philosophy into everyday life necessitates a shift towards setting process-oriented goals rather than outcome-centric ones. By doing so, individuals cultivate habits and systems that propel them forward, regardless of fluctuating motivation levels.

Ultimately, Saban's legacy serves as a testament to the power of focusing on the journey rather than fixating on the destination. Embracing a process-oriented mindset, akin to Saban's approach, promises not only remarkable outcomes but enduring personal growth and fulfillment.