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Fresh Start

Improving Systems and Habits

Using systems and habits to improve your life is a proven method to succeed. It requires seeing the work as a system and then adjusting your thoughts and behaviors to be able to take advantage of your opportunities in life.

Fresh Start

Scott Miker

Everyone gets to a point where they need to slow down and get a start fresh. It could be after a big project gets completed at work. It could be after recovering from an illness. It could be after a big move into a new house. It could be after the holidays, once summer start, or after getting the spring cleaning completed.

During these times, there is energy. It could be positive energy with excitement, calming energy after making it through something, or negative energy after a major loss.

Everyone experiences these and everyone reacts different. I have found that these times are great for reassessing. We get to take a high-level view of life and pull back from being in the weeds.

This 10,000-foot view will help clarify the direction we are headed. In my book, You Can’t Surf from the Shore, I talk about the importance of setting direction. I equate it to being on a road trip with instructions. Without a map, GPS, compass, or even a destination in mind, it can be hard to know if you are taking the right turns.

But having direction helps us measure what we do against what we should do. When they don’t match up, we can start to dissect our steps to take better ones in the future.

But some people blow right past the fresh start. Instead of seeing the opportunity to view their alignment with their purpose in life, they assume it will continue. Instead of a transition, they assume this is the new normal.

Soon they are back into the weeds of the next big thing. They get caught up in a world of tasks without knowing why. They don’t fight to move in the direction they choose. Instead, they choose by default.

I have utilized both approaches in the past. Choosing by default always ended with me feeling as though I was following someone else’s rules. I never seemed to be able to go through the motions without having control and direction.

But when I’ve had direction, decisions are easier. This helps us direct our attention towards those steps that align with what we want in life.

Choosing by default means that we don’t take action. Instead, we take the path of least resistance. We don’t chart our course and then bravely move forward. We cower at every struggle and avoid every possible challenge.

This doesn’t mean we should attack challenges just for the sake of it. Change for the sake of change is worse than choosing by default.

But when it’s time for us to get that fresh start, we can use it as an opportunity to advance towards the life we desire.

There will be challenges along the way. There is no getting around that. But challenges that help us grow into the person we need to become are opportunities. They make us stronger and wiser.

Being able to stop and take a 10,000-foot view of our life and examine how it aligns with what we desire is important. When it is time for that fresh start, don’t be afraid to take that important step back so you can continue navigating your life towards the future you want, instead of simply going through the motions by default.