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Habits: The Invisible Force That Shapes Your Life

Improving Systems and Habits

Using systems and habits to improve your life is a proven method to succeed. It requires seeing the work as a system and then adjusting your thoughts and behaviors to be able to take advantage of your opportunities in life.

Habits: The Invisible Force That Shapes Your Life

Scott Miker

Habits are the engine behind nearly everything we do. Psychologists estimate that up to 95% of our actions are habitual—automatic routines that free up mental energy for other tasks. But beyond saving time in the moment, habits have another superpower: they leverage time itself to create remarkable transformations.

The power of habits lies in their consistency. A single small action, repeated daily, compounds over weeks, months, and years. Flossing your teeth for two minutes each night doesn’t seem monumental today, but over time, it prevents costly dental issues. Similarly, setting aside just $10 a week can grow into a significant amount when time does its work.

However, habits don’t inherently steer us toward success or failure—they simply follow the direction we give them. If you habitually procrastinate or reach for junk food, time will amplify those patterns just as effectively as it would positive habits.

The key is to take control. Start small and focus on building habits that align with your goals. Instead of committing to a massive change, aim for something simple and sustainable. Want to exercise? Begin by committing to just 10 minutes a day. Repeated consistently, this small step will grow into something far more powerful.

Habits are neutral, but time gives them power. When you align your habits with your goals, you enlist time as your greatest ally, building a life that reflects the person you want to become.