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The Power of Calm: Lessons from a Navy SEAL

Improving Systems and Habits

Using systems and habits to improve your life is a proven method to succeed. It requires seeing the work as a system and then adjusting your thoughts and behaviors to be able to take advantage of your opportunities in life.

The Power of Calm: Lessons from a Navy SEAL

Scott Miker

At a recent leadership event, I had the privilege of hearing Rorke Denver, an active-duty Navy SEAL and well-known actor, share a profound insight from his training days. Amidst chaos and panic during a critical exercise, the leadership gathered the trainees and uttered three words that shifted the atmosphere instantly: "Calm is contagious."

Denver's message was simple yet profound. In the midst of intense training, where one might expect chaos to reign, the emphasis was on maintaining calm. This was not just about keeping emotions in check; it was a strategic necessity. As leaders in training, allowing panic to take hold would have a detrimental effect on the entire team. Instead, they needed clarity of thought to make critical decisions.

This approach might seem at odds with the popular image of Navy SEAL training, often depicted as grueling and chaotic. However, it underscores a fundamental principle: in moments of crisis, maintaining composure is paramount.

While most of us won't face situations as extreme as Navy SEAL training, the lesson is relevant. In our daily lives, we encounter situations that test our ability to remain calm and composed. Yet, all too often, we succumb to panic, allowing our emotions to dictate our actions.

This is where the concept of arousal and performance, as outlined by the Yerkes-Dodson law, comes into play. While some level of arousal or anxiety can enhance performance, beyond a certain point, it becomes counterproductive. By remaining calm, we can modulate our arousal levels, ensuring optimal performance.

One practical way to develop this skill is through organizations like Toastmasters. By regularly facing the anxiety of public speaking in a supportive environment, members learn to manage their emotions and communicate effectively.

Ultimately, the ability to remain calm in the face of chaos is a skill that can be developed. It requires self-awareness, practice, and a willingness to confront our fears. So, the next time you feel overwhelmed, remember those three words: calm is contagious.