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The Role of Preparation in Seizing Opportunities

Improving Systems and Habits

Using systems and habits to improve your life is a proven method to succeed. It requires seeing the work as a system and then adjusting your thoughts and behaviors to be able to take advantage of your opportunities in life.

The Role of Preparation in Seizing Opportunities

Scott Miker

Do you often feel unlucky, as though opportunities pass you by? Many who consider themselves unlucky fail to realize that their misfortune is often self-inflicted, rather than an act of fate.

Luck, some say, is the intersection of preparedness and opportunity. Truly lucky individuals are those who have diligently prepared themselves to seize the opportunities that come their way.

This sentiment is echoed by Coach John Wooden in his book Wooden - A Lifetime of Observations and Reflections On and Off the Court, where he emphasizes the importance of preparation long before an opportunity presents itself.

He says, “The time to prepare isn’t after you have been given the opportunity. It’s long before that opportunity arises. Once the opportunity arrives, it’s too late to prepare.”

I once met an incredibly talented golfer who had the potential to make a career out of golf. However, he was hesitant to dedicate the countless hours of practice required, fearing that failure would render all his efforts wasted. Consequently, he never fully committed to the necessary preparation, and as a result, significant opportunities eluded him. While he achieved a high level of skill, he eventually plateaued and fell short of reaching the elite status he desired.

How many of us fall into the same trap, claiming that luck is not on our side while failing to put in the necessary work to capitalize on opportunities? We are often unwilling to invest the effort unless success is guaranteed.

Those who do put in the work and diligently prepare themselves tend to eventually experience what appears to be luck. They secure the breakthrough, the chance to showcase their abilities at the highest level, the lead role.

While luck undoubtedly plays a role in life, attributing everything to luck overlooks the importance of preparation. Just because we cannot always explain certain events does not mean there is no explanation.

To succeed, we must be willing to invest the hard work upfront, long before success is assured. Without this preparation, we will find ourselves unprepared and unable to reach our full potential.