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Intro to Course

Be More content and less complacent

change the systems in your life for more success and more happiness


course Summary - Be content not complacent

There is a subtle difference between being content and being complacent. Being content means that we don’t need any more to be happy. Being complacent means that we give up because we feel it is fruitless. This is a subtle but powerful difference.

Successful but miserable? Happy but hapless?

Have you ever met someone who is successful but seems miserable? Or have you met someone who seems happy but hapless? Most people seem to fluctuate between the two. We strive for success so we sacrifice our happiness to obtain more. Then we make a decision to give us instant gratification but it sacrifices long-term success.

Back and forth we go. We ebb and flow through life constantly failing to remain happy and successful. One minute we work hard and suffer for some future win. The next we give in to momentary bliss knowing the consequences will mean more struggle later.

Because we only experience fleeting happiness and minimal success, we ultimately become complacent in life. It wears us down. It creates a fearful, grumpy mindset.

Use systems to break the loop

This course introduces students to the systems and habits approach to improvement. It provides the insight and action steps to become more content in life by becoming less complacent. It leads to a new mindset, one that helps become happier over time while increasing one’s success.

We can remain content and still work towards our life ambitions. If we learn the right steps to take, we can combine happiness and success. Sure, there will still be ups and downs in life. But the trend will be slow, constant improvement. Over time that improvement will become significant.


  • The problem with setting goals versus systems

  • Progress not perfection

  • Quick, easy and effective

  • Hot and Cold Empathy Gap

  • Setting minimums

  • Simple, sticky and self-regulating

  • Learn to take 100% responsibility in life

  • Linear thinking vs systems thinking

  • Live in the process, not the outcome

  • Plan, Do, Study, Act

  • System solutions

  • Flexibility

  • How to use the systems principles in other areas

  • Ongoing systems maintenance

  • When the system fails - what to do

  • Leverage

  • Other resources for systems thinking

  • Feedback loops

  • How to be content without becoming complacent

  • Everything is good and bad

  • The system is perfect - learn to see the systematic perfection

How to take this course?

  1. Read over that week’s page

  2. Watch the lecture videos

  3. Do the Assignments

  4. Keep with it until the end


This course provides information through video/podcast lectures. But the key is to DO something different, not just think differently. Therefore, assignments are used to get the student to start creating systems and applying systematic improvement.

In other words, DO THE ASSIGNMENTS!

Let’s get started!

Go to Week 1

If you would like a traditional syllabus for this course, you can download it here.


IMPORTANT NOTICE: This course does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the course is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for achievement and well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this course for yourself, the author assumes no responsibility for your actions. Please see a medical professional for any mental or physical health issues as this course is NOT designed to replace professional medical advice.