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The more you do it the more benefit you will get from it

Improving Systems and Habits

Using systems and habits to improve your life is a proven method to succeed. It requires seeing the work as a system and then adjusting your thoughts and behaviors to be able to take advantage of your opportunities in life.

The more you do it the more benefit you will get from it

Scott Miker

One of the payoffs to creating the right systems and habits in your life is that the benefits will keep growing. As you work the system, the system grows in intensity. It produces greater output. It improves as it is worked.

This means that the individual actions are paradoxical. They are both less important but also more important than you think. Each individual action might not mean much in the grand scheme. But each individual action is a leverage point that gives back more when you keep at it.

Leverage points in systems are very important. They provide greater output in the system. They require a smaller change to result in greater value.

In The One Thing – The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller, the author provides insight. He says, “Actions build on action. Habits build on habit. Success builds on success. The right domino knocks down another and another and another. So whenever you want extraordinary results, look for the levered action that will start a domino run for you. Big lives ride the powerful wave of chain reactions and are built sequentially, which means when you’re aiming for success you can’t just skip to the end. Extraordinary doesn’t work like that. The knowledge and momentum that build as you live the ONE Thing each day, each week, each month, and each year are what give you the ability to build an extraordinary life.”

The author is describing what happens when you use leverage points in a system. They help build an extraordinary life. They don’t do this because they are massive steps. They do this because the more you work the process the more the process works for you.

Whenever we look at the life of someone with extraordinary results, it is easy to see massive growth. We tend to take 20 years of their life and explain it in a paragraph. So, it sounds quick. It sounds like they took a few major actions to get to where they are.

The reality is that they did many small steps along the way. They kept working and working. They experienced success but also disappointment.

In other words, it is easy to tell a story and make a long, hard journey sound like an overnight success. We can frame their journey any way we want. Since our attention spans are so short, storytellers know they have to get to the point right away.

Don’t let that stop you from starting on your journey. Don’t get discouraged. Don’t wait for your big break. Start now by creating the systems and habits in your life. Design your life by first designing the actions you take on a regular basis.

Those regular actions become leverage points. They matter. They will determine the follow up steps. Like dominos falling, they may create the energy to knock over the next domino. But that next domino creates enough force to knock over the following domino.

Only one domino hits the final one but without each individual domino there would be a gap and the end result would be much different.

So, put your focus on the small steps you take. Frame your own systems and habits to provide the greatest return on the effort you put forth. Start to create the outcome you desire by starting where you are. Start with what you have. Because that could lead to the success you crave but only if you keep going.