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Improving Systems and Habits

Using systems and habits to improve your life is a proven method to succeed. It requires seeing the work as a system and then adjusting your thoughts and behaviors to be able to take advantage of your opportunities in life.

Strategic Planning

Scott Miker

Most business leaders do extensive strategic planning for their business. They are responsible for profit and loss for their area and must manage their team strategically.

The strategy provides the direction. It gives the team a target and something to pursue. It provides a guide to follow when things get chaotic. Without a plan, the team goes through the motions hoping it takes them towards success.

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Shattering the known

Scott Miker

Sometimes we experience a shift in our mindsets that goes against everything we thought we knew. It could be through tragedy or extreme circumstance but sometimes it is a subtle jab at us that proves us wrong.

I’ve had many of these moments. Many weren’t significant, except that the mental change stood out to me.

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What’s Luck Got To Do With It

Scott Miker

Luck is such a funny topic to me. If you talk to successful people, they minimize luck in their lives. They take credit for the success and see luck as something they managed.

If you talk with unsuccessful people, they maximize luck in their lives. They claim that bad luck caused their hardships and that despite their valiant efforts, they had external factors go against them.

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The Allure of the Comparison

Scott Miker

Most of are guilty of comparing our personal accomplishments with others. We see someone in our field win an award and feel inadequate. We see numerous people struggle to make it at our company and feel pride for being able to survive and thrive in such a challenging space.

These comparisons to others are common. They seem to help point us in the right direction. It shows us what is possible. Or it shows us what we have accomplished.

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Slowing Down to Stay the Course

Scott Miker

When I am pushing towards a new level of success, I often find that continuing to make progress requires slowing down, not speeding up. I need to pump the brakes a bit to get around the turn.

This is a difficult lesson to learn. I learned it the hard way. In fact, I didn’t learn it when I should have so I had to keep learning it the hard way until it clicked.

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Multiple Perspectives

Scott Miker

I find that people that hold absolute opinions tend to be short-sighted. Life is complex. There are so many ways to look at something.

Systems thinking is the idea that we see the full system instead of the parts alone. We can see the parts, but we see the interconnection between those parts.

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Being Direct Without Being a Jerk

Scott Miker

I recently took an interesting personality assessment. It provided great insights into my personality and traits that I can leverage for success.

Afterwards, it created lively discussion with those of us involved in the assessment. We talked through various factors. I felt that the discussion provided as much, or more, value than the assessment.

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Success with a side of discontentment

Scott Miker

I recently finished a great book about a man who achieved incredible success in a competitive field. He was known as the greatest of all time, an innovator, and even labeled a genius.

While his legacy is unmatched, the journey to that point followed a common theme among those who achieve such heights. He worked and sacrificed his way to the top, never accepting anything other than greatness.

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Strategic Life

Scott Miker

Recently I was doing a leadership training and we talked about strategic planning tools that were available. I mentioned that one that is designed to be used for personal or family strategic planning.

After the training I continued to explore the tool and found it to be very helpful. It aligned with many of the other strategic plans I have developed for personal improvement in the past.

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The blocker between knowing and doing is important

Scott Miker

If I surveyed people in the United States and asked them if they would rather have wealth or not, they would almost all say they would prefer the money. If the option was between a perfect physique or an unhealthy body, we all know what would get chosen most.

If I asked people what someone should do if they want to build wealth, many would have great suggestions. They would talk about investing, not spending on frivolous items, and living within one’s means.

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Measuring Progress

Scott Miker

A key element of the systems and habits approach to improvement is the idea that we stop chasing outcomes. We stop fantasizing about the end goal. And we stop daydreaming about perfect situations.

It is important to have direction in your life. You need to know what you want and then set out to achieve it. This leads most to spend too much time obsessed with that outcome.

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Win at All Costs

Scott Miker

Most people applaud the mentality to win at all costs. We gravitate to winners. We write about them and praise them publicly.

We provide opportunity for them to make even more money. We ask them what they did to succeed and then copy it as much as possible.

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The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday

Scott Miker

The US Navy SEALs have a saying they use when training. They say, “the only easy day was yesterday.” It signifies that each day presents new and increasingly difficult obstacles. Instead of hoping for the workload to ease up, they embrace the growing challenges.

It can be a great motivational tool to get through those difficult days when inspiration is absent. It reminds us to focus on doing the work, not expecting everything to be handed to us. It shatters the entitlement mindset that holds us in place. It keeps us aspiring to reach new levels of success.

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Avoid the Siren Song

Scott Miker

Gravitating towards something you know is bad for you is common. We see it all the time in sports, with celebrities, in businesses, with our own actions. It seems that knowing doesn’t change our behavior with something luring us towards a bad decision.

This isn’t a modern-day problem or phenomenon. It is a human occurrence. While the story of major travesty is often promoted, the subtle draw is more common and equally devastating.

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Take Your Time Even if There is Urgency

Scott Miker

It seems everyone is busy. More than ever before, I come across people who are buried in work. They are so busy they can’t do basic things.

They can’t take care of themselves. No time for exercise, or rest, or budgeting, or meditation. They can’t find a minute to prep for the lunch and must rely on the quickest option in the moment, the drive thru.

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Major Change and Improvement

Scott Miker

Change is something we all face. We all go through life changing with the circumstances. This is normal and natural.

We have all met people that seem to take on change with ease and willingness. We also meet people who resist change with everything they have.

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Standing still to make progress

Scott Miker

When we are working towards a goal, we often get to a point where the systems and habits start to drive our behavior. This turns into results.

During these times, sometimes the tendency is to keep pushing. We want to increase the pace of our improvement.

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Why Progress Matters

Scott Miker

With any goal or project, we must keep our focus on what is important. It isn’t just that final outcome that we need to keep top of mind.

Most people easily do that. But they still slip up and miss their goal. Why? The key isn’t the outcome or the focus on what it will be like when you hit your objective.

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Seeing Systems On the Playground

Scott Miker

Over the years I’ve learned how to see systems in life. This has been an incredible advantage throughout my personal and business life.

But I am not unique. I’ve read hundreds of books that promote the idea of using systems to see the world and then adjust to optimize the system to benefit from it.

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System layers

Scott Miker

When studying systems thinking, we come across many systems with multiple layers to them. Many systems can be viewed through the layers that make it up.

When we are creating systems in our personal life, we can use the concept of layers to help achieve our goals. But what could this look like from a personal improvement standpoint?

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