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Improving Systems and Habits

Using systems and habits to improve your life is a proven method to succeed. It requires seeing the work as a system and then adjusting your thoughts and behaviors to be able to take advantage of your opportunities in life.

Measure your progress in inches not miles

Scott Miker

When you start working on building new habits and systems in your life, you will get to a point where you aren’t further along than you wish. You will feel stuck. You will question the path and wonder when it will all pay off.

The reason is simple. When we switch from focusing on the outcome, to working on the processes, we have a lot to change before we start to see the rewards.

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Freedom and Purpose means Responsibility and Tediousness

Scott Miker

Systems thinking helps us to see underlying systems throughout our lives. One element that emerges is the idea that many things in life are paradoxical.

This means that the opposite exists along with it. An example can be found by looking at how we define beauty. Beauty only exists because ugliness exists. If there was only beauty, there wouldn’t even be a word for it. Beauty only makes sense when contrasted with things that are not beautiful.

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Balancing Life

Scott Miker

Life is complicated. We all have many things pulling at us at all times. It could be the pull of our attention to an advertisement. It could be the pull from a job to keep working. It could be the pull the spend more time with family.

We also have a pull to exercise and get healthy. We have a pull to save more money and pay off debt. We have a pull to treat ourselves and celebrate successes.

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Do the work before your back is against the wall

Scott Miker

Most of us know the feeling of having our back to the wall. I’m not referring to literally having your back against the wall, but figuratively. It is the feeling as though we are running out of options. We have to take action, and now. We become filled with some energy and some fear.

For some, that is the spark that starts an improvement journey. They take that motivation and energy and turn it into new behaviors. They take action and see results from their actions.

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Full Control

Scott Miker

The other day I was listening to reggae music and I heard a song about full control. It started my mind around control and how most people want more control in life.

We all crave control. We wish we could snap our fingers and have anything we want. Some would create peace on earth. Some would create riches for themselves or others. Some would treat life like an extended vacation and never work again.

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Leverage tactics in a system

Scott Miker

Successful people all over the world understand how to gain the most from their efforts. They understand how to magnify the results. They use specific tactics that allow them to gain in a logarithmic fashion isn’t of a linear fashion.

Instead of investing a small amount and getting a small amount back, they gain a large amount. This sounds simple but the reality is that it involves leverage. They leverage what they have to get more.

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Disrupting a Feedback Loop

Scott Miker

The world recently came face-to-face with a growing feedback loop. The novel Coronavirus, COVID-19, shook the world. It erupted and spread in a manner not seen in over a hundred years.

It forced a completely new way to go through daily life. It caused such major change that it can be difficult to see the systematic elements at play.

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Choose between a bunch of bad options

Scott Miker

In life, we all have choices. We all decide the direction our life takes. But many feel that they don’t have options. They feel forced in one direction.

I tend to sound like a broken record at times when we are working and run into problems. After we analyze the situation and look for numerous ways to respond, we get stuck.

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Stop chasing instant pudding

Scott Miker

We all want success and happiness now. We don’t want to experience pain or discomfort now. Why would anyone want to suffer in the moment if we have a choice?

This sentiment leads most of us to crave pleasure now. We don’t want unhappiness. We don’t want struggle. No, we simply want to keep enjoying life all the way through, now especially.

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Life operates through process

Scott Miker

If you want a better life, learn to see your own processes. Your processes direct your life. They determine success. They determine happiness. They create all that is around you.

Most people equate this to behaviors. We can see many habits. We see our routines. We envision our life in this way.

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Be the determining factor to gain control

Scott Miker

Most of us have a lot of control in our life. But we don’t have total control. We can’t simply quit our job and travel the world. We can’t force our family to do what we want. We don’t have enough money to buy whatever we like.

This leads many people to focus on the areas that are out of their control. Their focus shifts to be on the things they wish they had control over.

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Connect Rational and Emotional

Scott Miker

Humans are very irrational people at times. Yet all of feel as though we are completely rational. We can think through a situation and make decisions with objectivity, right?

Most of us faced this question at some point. If we are truthful, we realized that we weren’t necessarily in control. In other words, our rational mind wasn’t the controlling factor.

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Self-improvement feedback loop

Scott Miker

Systems thinking has us investigating feedback loops. We create these loops in our lives over and over, without thought. We simply go through our daily rituals. Those soon become self-fulfilling.

The more we do them, the more we seem driven to continue doing them. On and on and on. Good or bad, it doesn’t matter. Right or wrong doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter systematically because the system doesn’t care.

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Keep moving forward

Scott Miker

Years ago, I was going through a difficult time. I wanted to keep making progress towards several personal goals that I had set. But circumstances kept changing and I often found myself getting knocked off track.

I would stop and evaluate my life. Each time I figured the best thing to do in that situation was to keep moving forward. I had to keep working. I had to keep taking steps towards my goals.

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Confirmation bias can keep you stuck

Scott Miker

We are all biased. We feel different about ourselves versus others. We can spot fault in those around us but we become blind when it comes to self-critique.

This is very clear when I am working with a struggling employee. It seems like they cannot accept the fact that their individual performance is poor. They come up with every reason they can think of why it is someone or something else’s fault. This prevents them from being able to take steps to improve.

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Better understand your routines

Scott Miker

We all have routines and habits. We all follow behavior patterns. We can look at others and spot these patterns. But we ignore them when it comes to our own behavior.

These routines and habits frame who we are and what we do in life. They become an important part of our life. Psychologists estimate that up to 90% of our behavior is ruled by habit. That means these habits are plotting the course of our life.

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Is positive thinking a habit?

Scott Miker

If you consistently think positive thoughts, then you will start to create habits around thinking positive. If you are regularly pessimistic, then you will start to create habits around negative thinking.

More importantly, if you keep doing what you are currently doing, you are reinforcing those habits. Every time you follow the same path, you make it more likely to follow that path in the future.

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Don’t Let Fear Drag On

Scott Miker

We all experience fear. We all know what it feels like to be afraid. This is a necessary human emotion. But it also holds the potential for great destruction.

From an evolution standpoint, fear makes complete sense. Those who could sense approaching danger quickly and respond immediately could fight off a predator. Or a quick sense of fear could tell us to run away. By being sensitive to fear, we could increase our chance of survival.

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You Are Unlucky Because You Are Not Prepared

Scott Miker

Are you a generally unlucky person? Do you seem to miss opportunities? Many unlucky people never realize that the reason they are unlucky is because of them, not fate.

I once heard someone say that luck is preparedness meeting opportunity. They said that they were very lucky. But the only reason they could capitalize on that luck was because they already did the work.

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